After studying Marketing & Psychology at the University of St. Thomas, I developed a fine-tuned eye for font pairings while obsessing over color psychology. The ability to unleash this creativity through my work with small businesses inspired me to start the graphic design business you see today. Just like you, I love the variety and flexibility of running my own business. I also love feeling like my designs are making a true impact for my clients’ businesses.

Bringing brands to life

Hi, I’m Laura, the Minneapolis graphic designer behind Laura Anne Creative, a design studio that specializes in crafting visual brand identities and marketing collateral for small businesses. Born and raised in Minnesota, I always loved creating arts and crafts with my hands as a kid—that is, until I learned to design on digital screens. 

A few of my favorites

I love neutrals paired with a fun pop of color!

Pops of Color

My soundtrack when designing

Fleetwood Mac

I eat it daily!


I average 3 books a month


When I’m not designing, I’m usually reading a good book (with tea in hand, of course), exploring the Twin Cities and trying new restaurants with my husband (we're on the hunt for the best charcuterie board), or watching a true crime documentary while snacking on popcorn—my two guilty pleasures. Our goldendoodle, Granger, is never far from my feet when I'm working, she makes a great coworker!

Design can visually transform a small business into a recognizable and trusted brand. I’m passionate about partnering with entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to make an impact with an intentionally designed brand and all of its marketing collateral. Every design will be created with your ideal clients in mind while reflecting your unique brand personality.

A bit about the design studio 

Access to quality design services shouldn’t be limited by your small business budget. I craft meaningful brand identities and marketing design collateral with faster turnaround times and shorter lead times. By working together, we’ll prioritize what matters to your small business and create more space for you to accomplish your next-level growth goals. 

My mission